2012 Edition - Iron Heart & Triple Works edition WAYWT
Should i have gotten a XL?
Thanks…I almost want to wear the wabash waist coat inside out. The detail is fekkin tits
Its def a bit small but i think they look best that way. I do wonder how xl would look
yeah, a lot of the stuff looks so perfect on the inside, that many brands would be super happy to achieve this on their face sides…
think over just a tee its perfect, looks tight, but not too tight with the shirt under, if it feels comfortable to you, it should be ok
Simply killer Sal!
Ty so much…Thats my kinda fit right there. Simple but in ur face
I think i am officially hooked on Iron Heart
And it all looks excellent on you, especially those 301's…
Nice Nem !!!
It's the return of the 666sod. Lovely 18oz denim.
In fact…
Ok G, give us the front view of that sample wabash work shirt!
Edit: "Thanks for the links."