IHSI-02 - "Motorcycle Chain" Bracelet - Sterling Silver
davito just spark some old flame… was on the verge of getting it the other time but, oh well... hmmmm........
In two weeks you will be mine
I am pretty expensive, not sure if you are aware…
2x Westmalle Triple/ hour. (PS L: these àre going out asap…)
2x Westmalle Triple/ hour. (PS L: these àre going out asap…)
As some might say, "Yeeeeehaaaaaaw!" Lando gets ice buckets ready…
Definitely a necessary reminder for yourself. I appreciate that!
There's a chance. Let me speak to H. G
so G you spoke to H about it? how much are we looking at?
I'm watching the BBC Radio 1 Hackney Weekend coverage (a massive free concert on all weekend here in London to celebrate the Olympics etc), and Plan B is on the main stage at the moment - it looks very much like he's wearing one of these.
I know there's a few similar ones around though, so may not be but has the same clasp etc by the look of it.edit: His seems to have a double edged razor blade incorporated into it on the side opposite the clasp, so could be from elsewhere. He has the same blade on the bass drum skin, so maybe it's custom? Either way, it's brought my attention back to this badass looking bracelet.
What does this baby weigh in at?
And I am afraid it is more than that by the time I've got the things shipped and sorted out duty etc….There are certain things that Haraki makes that have tiny margins, that is mainly the silver and the wallets. He is thus unable to give me my normal discount, this is one of those things.....
Mank, you can get a Silver Bic Lighter from a ton of places. May not be IH, but you certainly won't have to pay more than $350.
For instance (w/ Turquoise Inlay): http://www.ebay.com/itm/Vintage-Turquoise-Silver-Bic-Lighter-Holder-/160868108768?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item25747c89e0
Amazing craftsmanship. -
oh boy…I think my head is exploding if someone's going to post another pic of my personal IH-holy grail...need to graduate asap so I'm able to finally post a pic in here as well!
G. - these aren't extinct right?...Looking to pic one up in march/april 2013 if everything works out the way it should!...