Rocket Powered
You know, I think you might be right about that. Maybe you and Mega can work out a royalty splitting arrangement and the income will keep you in IH gear forever. You may be banned from ever entering Japan, though. Maybe put on a US terrorist watch list, too. That has to violate some provision of the Geneva Convention.
It went off on a whole weird tangent for a while, weirder than usual… Seems to have calmed down now though.
did not saw a point to act, as long as it stay in friendly nature and does not get off for too long, fine with me… but will be cleaned if needed....
^^ Love that series..
It's just too fuckin good innit!.. (ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT for those not in the know/ heathens…)
So says the oiled up piggy…
Though, to be fair to MP, the mental image of you and Megatron wrestling is the stuff of nightmares. Well, at least to most of us.
check the following, if you wanna see what Mega and Seul are up to with their wrestling "training"…
if you look clearly, you actually can spot seul in the masses
oh daaaaaaaaamn
Just read all this, and can only repeat….
....we will be having a "dance off" instead
That might be more disturbing than the wrestling.
Everyone knows the worst dancers in the world are the Belgerians and the British. It'll be like watching squids getting stabbed with cattle prods…
Fuck the jury !!
Really should have written not literally