IRON HEART World Tour II 2011-2012 - Beatle Buster SBG
final update. k guys…been a very busy work week for me. last week an Ohio woman went missing down on the Outer Banks of North Carolina. very sad story. her bf took her and her two kids down for a vacation over 4th of July. one kid is from a previous relationship, the other is their 3 year old. he strangles her at some point after the 4th, drives the kids back to Ohio, drops them off at his brothers house and then disappears. there was a week long search for her body. her family from Ohio comes down to search. her body is finally found and her estranged bf is still nowhere to be found. anyway, i was busy covering that and trying to stay cool. i did manage to wear the SBG's one more time down there on the Outer Banks also known as OBX. i love everything about OBX, just sucks i was there for such a sad ordeal.
up early getting ready to head down
driving across the Bonner Bridge on Pea Island
temporary bridge built after Hurricane Irene cut the island. love the patchwork
highway 12
this path leads to where her body was found under the tree
was there two times last week and two days in a row over the weekend (sunday till mon night) had some time to show you the beauty
it was only 90 degrees out
look how close the sound is to the Atlantic. i'm in Frisco
when you're outta town you always eat too much. 1. you never know when you're gonna have your next meal. 2. the company is paying for it.
could of posted a thread n a half of food. wish i shot the better stuff i ate. this blackend shrimp wrap was good
setting up my sat coordinates
get that dish pointing towards the southern hemisphere
went to dinner w some coworkers
sunset view from my seat at the table
some pic's hangin downstairs at the restaurant for G.
breakfast joint
for some reason i liked this on another stations sat truck
got too hot yesterday to wear but had them with me of course!
back home now…some random pics
guy who always sees me and Quinn and tries to sell me his art, even tho i've bought the same thing twice from him already.
makes all the bad stuff in my week worth coming home for-
i hope u guys enjoyed that little bit over the past month. really wish i could have worn these more. WT's are fun but they take alot of time and dedication. also, i really hope to own a pair of IH's one day. everything about them is awesome! i'll be sending these out to Katsushin next.
Yep great shots…and the fish is pretty crazy!
Ok, the eagle has landed. Many thanks to TV for his great communication and it was great bonus to discover that we have a very good friend in common (living on opposite sides of the country, that's pretty cool in my book). Love the small world stuff…
Right now it's a little late and this is an all Iphone post, so bear with me...
I've been out of town for a few days with my daughter, and my wife called to say I had gotten a package. She asked what it was and I said "um, some jeans", but before she could give me grief I explained the whole world tour thing. Then she said "oh cute, like the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants" and then proceeded to speculate on how many other men's crotches had shared that space. Despite the ridicule I soldier on...
I've currently got a 6 week old baby (all the spit up on my IH shirts should make for some interesting "evo") and a seven year old, plus a crazy work schedule and moving my studio location soon, so I can't promise anywhere near as great of a leg as Tv's in term of picture volume (but I will wear the shit out of them!).
I was stoked that they actually fit as my "sympathy" weight gain during pregnancy has softened me up a bit. I actually really dig them and will definitely be getting a slimmer pair of IHs ASAP.
I'll try to get some detail shots of the denim soon. The shade of faded black reminds me of all the metal head hesher stoner dudes in high school.
For now, here's a couple shots of our after dinner walk courtesy of my old lady using my phone. Best I can do for now...
This is the road I live on. Lots of of live stock, farmers and old houses. Perfect IH country...
Well, it's a start, and hopefully some cool shit to follow… -
The shade of faded black reminds me of all the metal head hesher stoner dudes in high school.
I dig this observation. SBG looks like it would be a perfect match with an old Slayer tshirt.
KAT KAT KAT!!! Bringing the excitement back.