IHSH-25 - Short Sleeved Mechanics Shirts
Shubs - no offense..but the short sleeve shirt has a long tradition - just think of the bowling shirt. it is a fine piece of garment that will actually get a lot of attention in the near future. I predict a short sleeve trend in the fashion industry. Why not make a trend instead of just following it ?
Absolutely none taken (offense). But Beatle…the question to ask is -- are you in the majority or minority ? If you're in the minority, then it's not a good biz decision for Giles. I don't really know the answer to that question -- but my hunch is that you are in the minority in preferring a short-sleeved SuperBlack shirt. My theory is, if customers can only buy ONE and are posed with both -- they're gonna choose the long-sleeve. And most people will choose only one SuperBlack shirt. Just my hunch, that's all...
Giles could be safe and do a pre-order? or do sticks on the order from Haraki-San.
It will happen. It just has to be the right time. Although I would love to have it sooner than later, I can wait for such a great item!
Giles is acting in a very rational business mind. I have full understanding for that. I'm not so disappointed, either, because I really dislike short sleeve shirts. To me they always look half dressed and have a redneck image. One of the worst vestimentary images is the bank teller person with a short sleeve shirt, a tie and a jacket that is too big. Of course, no sleeves showing under the jacket sleeves, either. Yikes!
I really can see a short sleeve only for a certain look and style. For example, bermuda shorts and a Hawai shirt for an island vacation, with some long pants and a Guayabera in Latin America or for a Cowboy look with some toned arms and great tattoos (like DChill); all of these are pretty awesome in my book. For the other situations my understanding is limited.
A co-op between IH and Aero leather or between IH and Alden would be something I'd rather see energy spent on.
….wait so I look like a cowboy? Damn that's totally not the look I was goin' for.
Yeah, kind of an urban punk rock star cowboy. The kind who has regular gigs at the Continental Club and in Tokyo! Not the kind with the mustache and the F-150, dude, no worries. LOL!
You should post more pictures (so should I). I'm usually not into tattoos but yours are pretty cool I must say.
i would totally get a SS superblack.
but i can also see why it wouldn't be that popular, especially in 16oz.
business-wise, i imagine it's best for haraki-san to release a SS after he stops making the LS. it would probably help build the brand. but who knows.count me in for one if it happens.