DC4002 - Iron Heart & DC4 25oz collab
sz 36. no wears yet.
Yeah, it's a golden cut.
Any opinions on the hem? Presently it's at 34.5 but I was thinking it might be better a little shorter.
I agree…I'm not cuffing with these either; too straight of a cut for that, and yes, washing will retard some of the stiffness.
I might take another inch off to get 'em where I need them but I'll wait a bit and see how they look after the combs set.
ive been wearing my dc4002 since mid august nights and weekends, no wash no soak, they are just now getting a bit softer and the start of a good sheen to them, i plan on no washes or soaks for 2 years minimum, i always wash my shit to soon, these im going the oppisite direction, by the way i have owned 6 pairs of ironhearts in different cuts and these are the best jeans in every way ive ever owned, i look foward to get home from work to put them on and offen sleep in them to break them
2 years?! and you're gonna wear them to sleep? im wondering what your girl is gonna say. make sure its one of your darkest secret.
i wish you all the best in this journey.
2 years?! and you're gonna wear them to sleep? im wondering what your girl is gonna say.
Sleeping in jeans that haven't been washed in two years and he won't have to worry about a girlfriend…
sounds like a challange to me!1 year, 2 years all the same, if they stink real bad ill soak but i think i can do it! no girlfriend, have wife! i wont be sleeping in them long, just first couple months to sofen them
all the best mate. do post regular evo pics. cheers!
I think this experiment is gonna end in a fungal infection and/or crotch-rot.
Sleeping in jeans seems uncomfortable aside from anything else and hardly worth the effort given how little you'll be moving around in bed. I'd rather sleep in my Calvin Klein pyjamas and then have the energy for a 12 mile hike in my IHs the next day!