In Fitness and in Health
In spite of still carrying a nagging injury from my first full marathon in May, I've decided to start training for a half in October. Crummy that I'm 7 weeks behind, but what can you do?
Mostly hoping it will help my jeans fit a bit better!
Have confidence, if you've done a full, you can do a half.:) What's the injury, by the way?
Good luck with the training Zwer. You looking to race the half marathon or just get round in a respectable time?
I started running again last week and have been going out every other day and enjoying it. I think I was motivated after reading about all the Olympic training and started to miss a good workout. Racing seems a long way off though…
@Chris - i developed some IT band issues in my left leg during the marathon. Pain was mostly in my knee - that's cleared up, but I've got some hip pain now. Stretching it and rolling does seem to help.
Coming on 40 - things just don't work like they used to!
@sugar - Yeah - trying to finish in under 2 hours. I've done a couple 'official' races in the past and managed a 2.07 when I was training for the full.
Though we all start somewhere.
I've started a new diet to shrink my out of control Santa belly. It's called: "move around more, eat less." So far, seems to be working. Down 15 and only 85 to go!!!
The problem is I hate moving around a whole bunch, it's exhausting, and eating is pretty much the greatest thing ever!!!
I hear you brother. Just cut soda and as much refined sugar as you can. That's a start but will help a lot.
I love to eat so I add things to my diet vs taking away.
Add: flax seed (to cereal, oatmeal, yogurt, etc)
Add: Metamucil (don't argue just drink it… it's not just for constipation but for cholesterol and better pipes)
Add: Teas. Green tea, peppermint, ginger or whatever you end up enjoying.Simple stuff but will help all of us.