IH-X526J - Black Cotton Duck Type III Jacket
Is there a link to this, or is this a completely new variant?
Sizing same as 21oz version type 3?
this is/should be the exact same cut/fit as the duck typeIII…just in black!
He means (I believe) can the hand warmer pockets be removed….
That was it. Having read it back it does seem confusing.
I have popped them up in the store. They are not visible from the main menus so you have to click on "see in shop" or here:
When I have taken more images and fit pics, I'll go properly live with them.
But thought one or two of you may want to swoop early….
Been dreaming about this for a long time, great fit G.
Really like the look of this, if it wasn't for my already shit ton of jackets I'd be all over this.
Who grabbed one? Want to see fit flicks!!!