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my 2cents:
backing the "cut to shoulder length" crew to the fullest on this one!…
I'm not saying that your hair does look like ... the way you're rocking it ATM, but you definitely are in urgent need of a change buddy!
let it cut to shoulder length without making it look like your hair has been cut at all (sth. like MikeC said!)...and definitely treat your hair with some products lad (conditioner etc.) since they really look like they're in urgent need of vitamins and other shit. so they'll look smooth and "fresh" again.maybe vin can help you out with what is the right cut for you, since I think he knows his game pretty good?!
I already can picture you with shorter and smoother looking hair, tied together to a little ponytail!…
btw. your look when wearing a bandana would also appreciate from shorter hair...just saying! -
Cut to just past shoulder length, and rock a Samurai top knot. It's only when I watch Samurai movies that I wish I had hair
Mega's advice on the top not is pretty awesome. I second the samurai look!
Problem for white guys is that the style ends up looking more wannabe Latin footballer than Samurai.
All in how you carry yourself. If you have a 'samurai' attitude and confidence it comes off differently than the footballer look.
I had shoulder length hair until a month ago. Chopped it all off as it was a real pain in the ass. Had to grow it out just to see for myself what that experience is like, not for me. Too much hair for it to be manageable for my lazy ways. Don't know how girls put up with that mess every day.
As a side note, watch Jeremiah Johnson, if you haven't, he's straight American Badass.
Jeremiah Johnson would have worn IH.
Damn, did he lose a bet? That's looking like he did it himself. While drunk.
There's beard and hair talk here: