IRON HEART World Tour II 2011-2012 - Beatle Buster SBG
I believe this to be the latest:
Haraki-San Japan DONE
Giles Japan & UK DONE
dizco UK DONE
gws14l UK DONE
injunjack Finland
Beatle's Dad Germany DONE
Chuck Denim Germany DONE
Big Eyed Fish Germany DONE
Fobsquad USA , NJ DONE
TV Shooter USA , Virginia DONE
Katsushin USA , CA DOING
deadendpro USA , OAK
peterock USA, SFO
Fincarelli USA, SFO
gollotti USA, CA
Chris USA, Houston
Elclintor USA, Mississippi
User USA, Tampa, Florida
Premo Canada
nemesisnow1200 taffy county , aehm North Wales
Finn666 Germany
loghill Finland
jimmy NZ
riffblaster general USA, Boston
Twin Pennsylvania
FurattoHeddo Belgium -
I'm sorry but I also have to drop out. A 36" waist would look bloody ridiculous on me.
I'm sorry but I also have to drop out. A 36" waist would look bloody ridiculous on me.
nothing a hot wash and a belt can take care off…
Loved your contributions Katsushin. The descriptions of your area reminds me of Thomas Pynchon's Vineland… Looks like a good place for hippies to get lost!
I withdrew from the list ages ago, messaged beetle and got removed
From the list.
Also 36" waist is too big for me. -
Is there still room for me on the list for this WT.
I'd like to get in as well somewhere after the German leg (Finn and the-monkey) …
Yep, should be room for both of you…..
thanks for the tour Kat. tell Craig i said hello and have him play you some Open Eyes tunes! lol. for anyone that wears a 33-34 waist, these will be fine on you. either that or i'm just getting fatter. hopefully, i'll get up to your neck of the woods in the next year or two Kat. take care.
Will do TV…
Well, my leg has ended (or been put out of its misery considering my recent slacking on posts). But not before they were able to meet the Whiteys from the another IH World Tour currently in rotation.
Zhivago and I are friends, but don't currently live in the same state, so it really is quite something that these two pairs were in the same place at the same time by pure chance.
Not the best photo shoot, but we're both super hectic at the moment, so the fact we got any pics in is a minor miracle.
SBGs even got to go for a little horsie ride on the whites…
Again, Z and I are old friends, and I wouldn't ride just any guys leg for a quick laugh, but for you IH forum...why not!
^priceless 2 of the best dudes on this forum
Backed, and I never realised that Z reminds me a bit of the Dude.
Sunglasses and facial hair. ahhhhh yeahhhhhhh
Backed, and I never realised that Z reminds me a bit of the Dude.
He needs a White Russian to go with the white denim, no?
Backed, and I never realised that Z reminds me a bit of the Dude.
He needs a White Russian to go with the white denim, no?
and a bowling ball!
Yep great for a laugh…thanks guys!
Alright gentleman, i got my hands on these babies on Friday the 7th. I believe that means i get them to Pete on the 8th of October, but no one quote me on that. Anyways the package arrived and i wasted no time in shooting some shots of the jeans straight up!
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