Iron Heart Gosport Tee Shirt
I'm all over this
i love all these framed up pieces… i would buy them
Haraki tells me they will be complete 10 days from when I give him my order. I'm just waiting on 2 more retailers to let me know if they want any. I will send the order to H at the end of today, whether I here from them or not. Then let's say 7 days to get here. So around 20th we should start getting excited….
Nice, very nice.
Will the shirt be the same cut as the IHT-3000?
will the shirt be the same cut like Iron Heart 2012 Printed T-Shirts Mk III?
Can wait to see the final product!
If there's a second run, black print on a red shirt would look really sharp.
(I know, I know; let's not get ahead of ourselves…)