New York - October 2012
Give it a couple of days L, you'll be wanting us all gone I'm sure
Give it a couple of days L, you'll be wanting us all gone I'm sure
Hey, I can retreat whenever I feel the need.
Just got super excited about this. Can't believe it's finally around the corner. Just spoke With the wife and she is now also looking forward to this event.
Just booked our hotel- staying over by Penn Station…
Amazing how many people are jumping on airplanes to make it to this event..proof how many people respect and love Iron Heart
We love Iron Heart :-, we love NY :-, we would love to meet all you guys
I love pizza and beer also
So excited about this megamultiple meet up and SENY party! Thought I would do a roll-call on who’s coming, apologies if I missed anyone - suggestion is that we continue to use this thread before and during trip to confirm dates/times/location of where people are gathering. If any of you want to PM me your cellphone numbers I’ll put them in my phone so that we can also keep in touch via text/calls during the trip.
THE LIST of definite/possible party-goers:
Chris and family
DirtyDenim and family
DougNg and Jody
EmceeQ and crew
Giles, me and Alex
Megatron, Minitron and Tommytron
MikeC (and hoping Scroogen and OHenry too)
VinneusPlus, of course, the Self Edge party hosts that we are all descending upon on Saturday 20th!
Huge thanks to Lando, Urbs, Doug and other “locals” for all the great help and advice to us out-of-towners.
I'm starting to FIZZZZZZZZZZZ with excitement
Luckily Pam is annoyingly trigger happy with a camera, it will all be (invasively) documented, fear not.
I'm too lazy to dig back through the thread to find it, so where are you staying, Mega?
The Hotel Shit Pit, also know as the Hotel Carter. What about you man?
The Affinia Manhattan; based on the website, it's rather swank. Based on the price, it damn well better be.
Cool, so bar drinks at your hotel it is then
When do you get to NY?
Late Thursday night- flight lands in Newark around 10 pm. We'll be there until Monday morning-ish; I think the flight leaves Newark around 3.
We land 5pm Thursday, and fly back 10pm Tuesday.
Nice, that should give us some opportunity to get together for a couple beers. We'll definitely need to work something out.;)