Possible 21oz Coloured Jeans
The greys are definitely great. Not to compare but Levis has something similar…they call em the commuter line
http://us.levi.com/product/index.jsp?productId=12326273&&cp=3146842.15376476.11844101 . -
^Exactly my thoughts. But I could imagine them selling very well in the asian market, as I feel like the average IH fan is much younger over there.
First off, if your gonna do them, I wouldn't use 21oz. I know you guys all say it's not that hot (I see u Chris), but it is. 21oz is the last thing on my mind in the Spring/Summer. No, I wouldn't buy these, I agree with SugarMountain, it's too RL. Do bikers in Japan wear colored jeans? I hope fucking not.
Well, as a designer, one is free to push the boundaries and explore new things. Don't know if the colour (as in the red or teal in pants…) would jive well with the brand and or with the image it was built on. Perhaps a sister brand?
The only question that needs to be asked is, Would Haraki-San wear them? If not, why is he making them? If so, then go for it!
Actually, I agree with Mike on this- 21 oz seems too heavy. I'm thinking more like 15 oz, and Triple Works, not Iron Heart. I wouldn't be interested in the blue or red, but the gray is nice.
I hate jeans like that, but probably because of the time I spent in Philly and all the people who wear them. I ditto the female thing. If they were less than 21oz, I could see my wife liking them.
What's next plaid golf pants. Sorry for being a dick lol.
What's next plaid golf pants. Sorry for being a dick lol.
Oh, just you wait for Winter and I will be wearing mine. No lies.
NEVER would buy it … what happened to the Motorcycle Specialties?
Hahaha ... imagine a biker wearing these on it's Harley at a biker fest ...
Please ... back to the roots! -
Here's the thing. Hiraki does a lot of things that cater exclusively to what we want. We've requested chinos, slim ducks, denim shirts with pockets and so on. They turned in to great pieces.
But my favorite items are things that weren't suggested here. Things that came exclusively from Hiraki and his crew. Think blanket lined denim shirts, wool shirts, the wool jackets, the condura jackets, the coated white jeans, the cord shirts/jeans/type III. They seem to have a certain soul to them. Hiraki and crew take risks in designs.. sometimes they're great, sometimes not so much.
This guy caters to our requests quite a bit already… but in the end it is his brand. He is IH.