Introduce Yourself Here
eczerwonka - Glad you came on over!
Thanks for the welcome.
This board looks like it is more to my tastes after actually reading a lots of posts rather than just browsing products. Sufu I feel too old for and SF is too "snobbish" and pretentious for me even though I love to browse those 2 sites.
My tastes run between the two with slight hint of my hillbilly/white trash roots… I like the clothes but tend to not like many of the attitudes of the people who frequent those sites I'm not a "fit snob" or a brand whore I just like what I like.
This place seems alright
Hey eczerwonka, how about an IH fit pic of you on your bike, we've not had many of them. No prob if you don't want to, but your bike looks cools (not that I know jack shit about bikes).
I have a couple of me next to the bike but none of me on it since I don't think I could ask anyone to "take a pic of me on the bike" without them wondering why… and if I told them they would think I was nuts I'll try and dig them up tonight.
edit: ok here are a couple bad pics
Hi Everyone…
By the name you may think of all kinds of images from a sci fi. Well in some respects you'd be spot on. Yet, there's a cooler, and more philosophical meaning to my name. Anyway, I wanted to say how impressed I am with Iron Heart jeans, and approach to denim design. I'm a gamer, who digs fashion, writes about the world the way he sees it, and love to relate to people who have something to say about life. Hopefully this post finds you all in good spirits, and I plan to be around contributing.