Introduce Yourself Here
Welcome all you new IHeads! Glad that there are some new faces around these parts. I can't wait to see all of your new additions!!! Cheers
Welcome riffblaster general!!!
Hey there Iron heart fans. Relatively new to the whole ironheart thing but have desperately wanted some for ages and finally got some tasty 634s' from Hinoya in Ueno Tokyo in November and I'd totally reccomend those guys for anyone who doesn't know about them looking for denim in Tokyo.
Loving the fit of them so far and amazed by how comfy 21oz could be, the best jeans I have by a mile. Combs and creases are starting to form and looking forward to the results following my first planned sea wash at the end of uk summer.
Not really sure where to post this so forgive me if this is poor etiquite but I also picked up some 634s for a friend who now wants them cut down and hemmed, does anyone know of anywhere in the UK that can chainstitch the bad boys for him? apologies again if this is the wrong place.
Hello unol,
welcome aboard!
Regarding the hemming, I would recommend you Department of Works. Just e-mail Cary:
I've heard nothing but good things about him and just sent him a pair to get it shortened.
^ how can it not be? its the staple in the IH fleet! been around since before time! like the monolith…of Iron Heart. ???
welcome unol and maxbill!
Glad to have you here rgray778.
Same here! I saw him post that Wind Breaker on the other place and couldn't resist snagging him up! I was you Black/ Yellow!!!
Did we just hit 200?????
Yup! Check the thread! Now "200 Members Strong!"
acl1 - You just missed the raffle but we are glad to have ya!
Welcome aboard triiiangle! Glad you decided to join the Dark Side!!!!
A few more members have signed up today… Helllo and Welcome!