New York - October 2012
Party was great last night, really nice to meet everyone, though I didn't have a camera to get pictures.
Sal, that was AWESOME!!! Thanks for making my day!!! [had to really fight the urge to insta-quote all of those. Would have been so funny… me!]
also, did anyone try on the new SExIH jacket? Opinions, comments?
i did! Giles took a pic of me in it. seriously, if you have the money and are thinking about a denim jacket…or just any jacket for that matter, this is the one. i wear a medium in IH shirts and tried on a size 40 jacket, it was perfect in every way. the 23oz denim is amazing! and, just like all the other IH gear (Giles and I had a discussion about this), it's truly difficult to capture how awesome a jacket like this is until you see it, feel it and try it on.
had such a great time chillin last night with the entire SE/IH crew and all those other faces i only know from the web! some highlights- Sal's priceless expression when i walked up and gave him the finger (sorry Sal ;)) meeting Tommy, Haraki sitting on Tommy and squishing him, meeting all the sufu peeps (Amardeep, Syd Lo, Markmont, Dino etc., hanging with Gregoire and his wife Laura, LandoCal getting faded into the night, still not believing i was hanging out with Megatron, and of course hanging out with G&P!
Thanks a lot guys it was loads of fun.
Seul I knew u would love that beer design
TvShooter that was definitely an awesome introduction..I had so many immediate thoughts of what I must have done to u. Lol
Oh and by the way the new denim jacket and 634's are beautiful. They have the same dark look and shine as the 25ozers but softer
What shirt was the big H. wearing (it's been driving me crazy to figure out)?
Looks like D666 purchased a pair of 23oz 634S, who else?
Looking fwd to more pics
I think it was an Aero shirt
What shirt was the big H. wearing (it's been driving me crazy to figure out)?
Looks like D666 purchased a pair of 23oz 634S, who else?
Yes Derivative purchased the 634 23oz and had earlier told me he would not buy them lol. I guess they were to nice to pass up.
Haraki had on the most beautiful aero ih collab western. It's the same as emceeq's but brushed with black dye. Pics don't do it any justice. The black on it fades to show the natural color of the leather. Probably the greatest item u can own hands down. Oh and it was a sample.
Oh yeah, I remember that shirt! There are pictures of it here on the forum somewhere.
I don't have my computer, so my ability to search is minimal, otherwise I'd give a link.;)
What shirt was the big H. wearing (it's been driving me crazy to figure out)?
looks like the mighty deer…
great pics there Sal and thanks for taking, since I know it is easy to forget to take some with all the meeting and talking going on...
Awesome pics everyone, thanks for bringing all us who didn't make it along for the ride. Looks like it was a night for the record books for sure!
The agave nectar makes it go down smoooooth…:D
i got to punch G in the gut a few times & give the MADame a huge hug & a kiss so I am very pleased with myself. all that couldn't attend were missed & well wish were sent your way by all.
oh & the Boss & SidneyLo asked me about my jeans so I'm over the moon. . . . maybe that was me with the fruity drinks
what else . . . oh that wabash workshirt the MADame is wearing I am sold on. Will purchase on the strength of seeing her wearing it in person
**as a side note d666 is a feckin' bear of a man, i kept sizing him up figuring out what we would have to do if we had to carry him