New York - October 2012
Me and Tommy are currently sat in McDonalds on the 7th floor of Macy's. I have a headache, Tommy has toys, Pam is on a shopathon, FML
Oh shit Mike, I just spat Dr Pepper all over Macy's
for Mega & Alex:
DougNg is my Jackie Chan as i am his ___________
pretty sure there is a video with the two of us making Dolphin yelps & hugging in sheer joy
Sal, that was AWESOME!!! Thanks for making my day!!! [had to really fight the urge to insta-quote all of those. Would have been so funny… me!]
Thanks I wish I would have took more than I did. I actually have a few more but thought they were to much of the same pic. As for insta-quoting them that would have been funny to me as well
I have to say last night was honestly one of the more fulfilling nights iv had in quite some time. I walked around with a smile from ear to ear all night.
Random pics from family shopping/ hangover day.
I would feel a bit of a tit riding this bike.
^love these guys, you don't get a more genuine family
^love these guys, you don't get a more genuine family
U got that right.
Derivative u are a great guy urself. We had such a good time with u. Thanks for lunch.
Trons = family to aspire to!
Sad I missed the after party. Looks like it was a good time.