634s-SEXIH13 - 23oz Selvedge - Straight Fit
Excellent description, nerkg. The 23 oz denim is pretty amazing stuff. It's like denim Kevlar. I can't wait until I can pick up the 666-XHS, sounds equally awesome.
For comparison - sex13 (23oz) and 666 xhs (25oz)
sex13 have aprox 150 days of wear,and 1 cold soak - and the 666 have 200 days (30 working days included), and have been cold soaked twice.
My opinion is that the 23oz is a little softer then the 25oz, and about equally as tough to break in. The colour is almost the same, but the 23oz has an almost purple "shine" to it (it's not purple at all, but in the right light i believe you can sense tiny little bit of purple)
Love them both.
I regret (without crying tears) removing the "back pocket stitching" (what's the denim nerd name ?) - but to begin with i didn't like the design.
great post ghost!
Great to get your thoughts nerkg and colour ghost.
I love my 25oz, and can't imagine anything could be harder to break in than the 666XHS. The colour difference really stands out on the comparison shots.
Regarding removal of the pocket arcs, I've actually considered taking them out of my 666's as well! I'm a minimalist, therefore a big fan of no arcs or 'stealth' arcs.
That's cool guys
Observation, these are definitely a "winter" jean, the tight weave results in a denim that has the breathing properties of shrink wrap. I can already tell that when these start to evolve they will be beyond epic though.
So, these are your last pair, at least for ten years Jestre?
That's the plan. I have a wide range of jeans in my… archives, haha. But these will be my third pair in the 634 cut.
Off the top of my head I believe I also have 3 Samurai's, 2 Strike Gold's, 1 Mister Freedom, and 1 Eternal. Add in the 666D's I just got + the three 634's.... I'm pretty sure I have enough jeans to last a very long time.
All my denim is IH and they are all 634 cut. I am shipping my pair of 634S-SEXIH13 out to Z to enjoy for the winter. I really love the 23oz just don't have the time for them right now.
No OD for me. I'm not gonna want a pair or I would have picked some up already. Although the package that arrived on my doorstep today had the totally wrong pair of jeans inside. I'm hoping that this mistake will be corrected in a proper fashion.
(PS. I'm quite furious right now due to this, but I'm trying to keep cool)