Congratulations! I've done one and never again.
How did you 20k go llvlaglne?
I am five or six runs into my comeback. I would dearly love to run a few races again but more importantly, I would love not to feel any discomfort in my IT band. 4.5 miles is about my limit right now. I used to regularly bang in 18-22 miles so there's a long way to go…
You're stretching it out with a foam roller or rolling pin, right? I've had some IT band issues this year, and rolling it every day has definitely helped. I did a half marathon in October with no issues.
Yep, total love-hate relationship with my foam roller. I think I need to get some more supportive shoes as well to manage my overpronation. Feet just aren't as strong as they used to be.
Yeah, there's nothing more important than the right pair of shoes and replacing them when they get too many miles on them.
I've got a friend who's an experienced sports masseuse and she recommended rolling on a rolling pin instead of a foam roller. Hurts like hell, but really worked for me.
Totally agree on the shoes thing. 'bout time I treated myself to some new Nikes.
I used to use a rolling pin, sometimes with a thin towel wrapped around it, but my foam roller is quite hard and seems to do a good job of getting the kinks out of my legs.
I get scared when someone says they run in Nikes.
Nah, they've served me well through much of my heaviest training and racing. I've had a few pairs of Marathoner, Lunar Racer2 and Lunar Elite and all have been good. Ultimately, it's what works for your feet. Friends of mine swear by Adidas for example, but they just flat out suck for me.
Most of the people who work at the independent running shop by my house in Philly wear Nikes. But, I'm not an expert. They just say to go with what feels best.
I have a pair of Brooks. I tried on about 10 pairs one day and they felt the best.
Whatever feels best. I messed my feet up pretty bad in Nikes back in school (can't even walk in that model now!) and have been in Asics ever since.
Whatever feels best…
Definitely. A few years back, I went to Run-Tex (quite possibly the awesomest running store in the world) and the guy there put me in a pair of Mizuno Wave Riders. Never even considered them before, but that's all I've worn since. Best running shoes for me ever.
sugar mountain- hey dude, marathon went great. it was really an awesome fun run… just a major big tour of chicago by foot. some of the highlights of the race were the people handing out cups of cold beer hahaha. and not sure if i mentioned it but people were elbowing me at the tight turns. someone elbowed me so good that it jarred one of my gels off my shorts. post race i was sore but able to walk and drive.
as of running leading up and after. i use to train in some asics. i began having issues with my knees and ankle in my left foot from pronation. i went to a specialist for orthotics and footwear. got the proper items but after giving them a shot for a few months the pain still persisted. despite cross training as well. after time the pain began to travel up my left leg and into my hip. i spent more time sitting from the pain than actually training on my feet.
despite all the videotaping, proper footwear and orthotics, knee sleeve.... pain began to get worse. i was also diagnosed with plantar fascitis and achilles tendonitis. i was wearing ankle sleeves during the day and had my feet encased with splints at night. it just seemed like terrible news.... chicago was not even on my mind anymore.
one day while at the gym, i saw a buddy of mine with some odd freaking shoes. looked like gloves for his feet. they turned out to be vibrams five finger toe shoes. i was telling him all about my issues and frustrations with what was occurring. he had finally convinced me to give these shoes a try.
now i know some of you are like wow, this guy joined the band wagon. but than again i had nothing to lose.
shoes were so difficult to strap on and after doing a few short runs in them my lower legs were KILLING ME! but not joint issues or tendon issues..... just straight up muscle soreness. soreness in places i never knew i had muscles. naturally in these shoes i began to move away from heel striking to forefoot striking. eventually allowing my muscles to absorb the blows of the pressure rather than my knees and hips.i built up a tolerance to the shoes but after running 10-15miles in these shoes every day..... my skin integrity began to take a toll..... i picked up the new balance minimus roads.... a lot different than the vibrams but they definitely protected my feet. sooner or later i just got more bored with road running and moved to trail running. picked up the new balance mt110s. looking to pick up the winter mt110s for when the snow falls. going to love it. enjoy sliding and just feel the cold air fill my lungs
now i still run in the minimus roads and the mt110s but usually for long runs. my last session of the day usually ends with a short run.... between 3-5miles in my vibrams.
i'm not saying minimalist shoes are for everyone but somehow i've been free'd of my previous frustrating issues.
really it's whatever footwear works for you but regardless of what you choose, dont give up. if you can walk you can for your it band pain..... not sure of the remedies as i have never ran into it just yet. but with like anything, you cant train without resting
llvlaglne, congrats on the marathon. It's a major achievement. Well done. And glad to hear that you've switched footwear and that you're getting on top of your injury issues. Nothing detracts from the pleasure of running like persistent injuries so it's good to hear you've found something that works for you.
I'm really pleased to stumble on this thread, I had no idea there were so many runners on the IH website.
Up until a couple of years ago I liked doing the occassional half-marathon but then started developing "patellar tendonitis" in my right knee. It totally sapped the enjoyment out of running. I've had physio and switched shoes and it feels much better now but anything over about 6-7 kms and I start to feel discomfort again. Like Sugar Mountain, I'm hoping to get back into more running so might be switching a few things and, if needed, going to get more treatment. Ilvlaglne has shown how it's done so I'm looking to replicate his success. Thanks mate!
@sugar mountain- you might be interested in this:
How did you 20k go llvlaglne?
I am five or six runs into my comeback. I would dearly love to run a few races again but more importantly, I would love not to feel any discomfort in my IT band. 4.5 miles is about my limit right now. I used to regularly bang in 18-22 miles so there's a long way to go…
A great exercise to overcome IT band issues is strengthening your thigh abductors like this:
^ Yes, did a bit of that kind of thing in my recovery. Went out running for the first time in a few weeks last night. Gotta stay committed over the festive period! People look at you like you're crazy when you tell them, but a Christmas day morning run is brilliant. So peaceful on the roads and it builds a good appetite for later in the day, heh.