Introduce Yourself Here
A few more members have signed up today… Helllo and Welcome!
Welcome joeysullivan! Glad you made it over!!!
Wow great greeting. Feel at home
Hello to all of you guys and IH-lovers.
Yap- great to have you here ! Also a warm welcome to No# 206
Yes, Hello and Welcome BrettUnder!!!
Welcome all! Another Simon? Are we at 4 now?
Welcome to IH World iprotech!
Yeeeee Yeeeee UptownSF has now graced us with his presence and overwhelming amount of knowledge!!!
Hello guys! I was directed here by a guy called LandoCal. Really excited to learn more about these jeans! Bit of background info: I was introduced to the world of highend japanese denim by Kiya Babzani. I met him through a common hobby, yoyoing. Currently working on a pair of Flathead F380's (it's been about 9 months) but am currently looking for something more durable as the crotch in my Flatheads is falling apart.