IHSH-48 - Smokey Flannel Work Shirts
I think I might do that too, the sleeve opening is indeed a little big….nice work!
A damn easy idea, will do the same
not even took me more than 3minutes!…
I needed 5 minutes
But I am a dork in things like that. Now the shirt feels much better!!!
They are out there… Between Self Edge and Rakuten they can be got. If your smaller sized, i think Tuckshop has got ya covered too.
Davito, great purchase!!! This was and is my first IH shirt. Wore it a lot since then. You should really put another button on the sleeve opening, Rafa had a great idea.
My blue was one of my first IH shirts and I still love it. Worn once a week for almost 10 months now. Maybe it's time for a wash….
thx guys!! btw Finn mate like that your tattoo is showing up in your pic
I have not yet problems with the sleeve openings as I wear my watch on the left and the Mister Freedom strong man cuff on the right.
loving the small details like the red stitched W on the left chest pocket. this smokey one is a real hottie
davito, it's insane that you nail every fit. also the best style on the forum imo. i have this shirt in red, rock it hard and enjoy!
Davito, always looking so spot on. Another one out of the proverbial park.