Random Announcements
I tried to explain that to her…
i have decided to full on embrace my Iron Heart addiction. I will continue to collect awesome pieces from this brand & figure out new & creative ways to store all of this bomb proof gear & break closets in the process of hanging all these heavy oz goods.
That's a good plan Monday!
didn't really plan it
it's just no way around it, kind of like a fat chick in a small space.
no offense to any fat chicks reading this
@nate - I suppose you wouldn't mind then if I pointed out all the grammatical and spelling errors in your posts?
I was looking over my daughter's day care report the other day. They were critical in a couple of areas (easily frustrated; doesn't deal with frustration well; doesn't know the first letter of her name). After I saw all the spelling and other errors in the report I decided to ignore it.