Iron Heart Products - What do you think we should make?
womens super slim leg? i could really go for my girlfriend in 21oz.
That's called a IH 301S, or if she likes boot cut, IH 461S. Those are slim as fuck…they hug my thighs and I'm a skinny girl, dead.
i could really go for a 1966 cut. ??? those are my favezzzzzzz
why had i not known this before!!!!!!!
634S-BBBBBBBBB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU SHALL BEEEEE MINEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!
hmm, okay i agree with you Shubz haha. I always felt that girls' back pockets were too small to be of any use. I guess the 301S just made things much more practical haha. Plus, you never look like you're wearing men's* jeans. They fit you too well haha.
Unisex indeed
Remember – Shubz is not into manly at all. If shit made me look like a fucking man, I would not wear it ! Trust me, Simon626-LA -- I'm pretty feminine !
If I may say so, I think LandoCal hates my open-toed sandals because he wants to "man me up" ! Trust me, you wouldn't catch me dead in a pair of Aldens. No thank you ! Aldens are as fucking masculine as they come. But IH 301S and 461S are girls and boys jeans…trust me. They're very flattering on both. The only rule of thumb -- ya gotta be skinny. If you're stocky, it ain't gonna work. I'm curious as hell about what Giles and Beats have in store for the upcoming "New Jeans"...I mean, there's really not much of a void that I can see. We got bootcut, straight cut, skinny -- what's missing ? I don't really see it. I guess I'll wait to be surprised.
So here are a few of the variables:
Cut - literally dozens
Denim - slubby/smooth, weight, weave, left or right twill
Indigo, natural/synthetic, number of dips, type of dyeing process
Fade - fast/slowetc etc. If I did a new combo every month, I would still be going when Paula calls the casket makers.
I'm not saying I could sell every combo, but there are literally millions of variations.
He is making a few more 634SR at the momemt. He never actually made all 400 in the fist run and still has some of the denim to utilise. G
Erm - this is awefull ! I was just about placing an order, lusting for that black riders jacket and the western shirt some weeks now. I also thought about getting a pair of jeans, but couldn´t decide wether to go for the 634s or the black one.
I´d love to get my hands on a pair of those in size 34 - do you think this could be possible?
Thank you so much !
Best regards,
SimonQ. -
As Mrs. G said, IH Animal items… (Dog Collar, leash, Flannel, Superblack Denim Vest, etc...)
21 oz denim teddy bears! thats that shit right there! i would totally be all over that!