Random Rants
That's Memphis dude, one of the worst cities in the country, ofcourse they're gonna require signature.
The only time a carrier is gonna care what box it's in is the USPS, and that's only with their own boxes, can't send priority in an express box and vice versa. UPS does not care if you send Ground in an express box even though it says not for UPS Ground on the box. I have literally heard them tell the clerks that it's not worth arguing with a customer and to just take the package. It's all about not pissing people off these days because there is so much competition
Belgian mail is reasonably cheap… But it also heavily favours €urope and the States... Eg:
- package up to 2 kg (4.4 lbs) costs 25 € to €urope + US, but 41 € to Canada... Up to 5 kg is 31 € to €urope + States, but 62 € to Canada... However, it is 31 € to all these countries, so I'm exaggerating a bit...
1) Duitsland, Frankrijk (zonder overzee gebieden), Groothertogdom Luxemburg, Nederland en Verenigd Koninkrijk.
(2) Azoren, Bulgarije, Cyprus, Denemarken, Estland, Finland, Griekenland, Hongarije, Ierland, Italië, Letland, Litouwen, Madeira, Malta, Man, Monaco, Oostenrijk, Polen, Portugal, Roemenïe, Slowakije, Slovenië, Spanje, Tsjechië, Zweden.
(3) Albanië, Andorra, Wit-Rusland, Bosnië-Herzegovina, Canarische Eilanden, Faeröer-Eilanden, Georgië, Gibraltar, Guernesey, IJsland, Jersey, Kroatië, Lichtenstein, Macedonië, Moldavië, Montenegro, Noorwegen, Oekraïne, Rusland, San Marino, Servïe, Turkije, Vaticaanstad, Wit-Rusland, Zwitserland.
(4) Algerije, Egypte, Israël, Jordanië, Marokko, Syrië, Tunesië, Verenigde Staten van AmerikaMy point is that the Canadese postal system obviously hates everyone, and we decided to fuck with them in return… Luckily Seul's Postal System is not discriminatory and only costs 5 € per parcel (anything I can shove in the box)...
In the last 15 years, USPS has lost two of my packages (both coming to me, none that I have shipped myself). Both times, customer service found the package and expedited it back to me. I honestly have no complaints with USPS. You get what you pay for
My wife's car dealership on the other hand, that place raises my blood pressure past 160…
and us canadians hate all the big shippers
ups sucks my nuts the hardest thou
a bit of advice to everyone here when shipping to canada always go with your countries standard mail. even if it costs more initially it ends up being cheaper in the long run cause we dont usually get nailed with customs. let alone a duty i will never for the life of me understand or agree with
however the canadian postal service did recently charge me for duty on a 600 dollar package that was only 60 dollars cause someone wasnt paying attention
fought that one
lost -
Also, 1st Class Int'l Mail not tracked?.. Granted, it's very rarely tracked after it leaves the country (although sometimes it does tell you when it has arrived in your country/ is at your country's customs), but it's a very good service if you deal with mates…
First-Class Mail International
Depart USPS Sort Facility
November 30, 2012
International LetterProcessed at USPS Origin Sort Facility
November 30, 2012, 2:29 pm
Dispatched to Sort FacilityNovember 27, 2012, 6:50 pm
November 27, 2012, 4:41 pm
BROOKLYN, NY 11211 -
That's just for customs to prove that the package actually left the country Eli. Like you said, once it leaves the US, nothing
What about USPS Registered Mail? I used it for the first time the other day. It was about $12 extra, but she said you would at least have some sort of tracking and would know when a package was delivered.
Just checked the package,
"Processed Through Sort Facility - November 30, 2012, 2:55 pm - GREAT BRITAIN"
urb: if you can trust the person you're shipping to, never ever pay extra for fancy services… First Class is just as fast as say Express or Priority... Reason: sure it gets across the ole pond quicker, but it gets stuck at customs longer as shops and such use Priority and Express... Customs don't care about First Class as they assume only inexpensive crap and gifts are shipped through it... At least, that has been my experience...
That's just for customs to prove that the package actually left the country Eli. Like you said, once it leaves the US, nothing
What about USPS Registered Mail? I used it for the first time the other day. It was about $12 extra, but she said you would at least have some sort of tracking and would know when a package was delivered.
Just checked the package,
"Processed Through Sort Facility - November 30, 2012, 2:55 pm - GREAT BRITAIN"
From my understanding, registered is only available at the post office itself and can't be done online. Wasn't aware it was available internationally though
I currently have an issue with a package I shipped to a very trusted forum member (no names mentioned on my behalf), I was a couple of days late shipping due to work commitments, so I paid extra for a tracked service to get to him faster. The package was shipped on the 16th, tracking says the package was delivered on the 20th, but he doesn't have it, neither do his neighbours, or his house mates, on occasions like this, tracked services aren't worth shit.
Mate, you don't know the half of it. If it wasn't for bad luck I wouldn't have any at the moment
But fuck it, some things have gone tits up, others are going ok, shit balances out in the end.
This is the first time I used registered mail but I normally use Priority Flat Rate. I've compared rates and its usually cheaper or the same price to send priority. I know. Weird.
I don't think it's really an issue with trusting the receiver, it's more just covering your ass if you can. And I'm more referring to the delivery confirmation option in the US in that regard.