Random Rants
Fair enough, Seul. Back in the old days, when I was hiring people for non-desk jobs like selling shoes or making copies, I paid a lot less attention to that sort of thing. However, the last few years have been spent in fields that place an emphasis on attention to detail, effective and concise communication and the general ability to read and write well. For positions that require those skills, a typo or grammatical error basically looks like this: Don't hire me. I'm incompetent.
EDIT: Like zwer said.
This seems an appropriate time to thank Chris.
When we launched the new website just over 2 years ago, he sent in an unsolicited 2 page tome pointing out all the typos, inconsistencies, inaccuracies etc. within a day of the launch.
I was dumfounded, his attention to detail was and still is amazing.
Thanks Chris.
Oh and by the way, what are you doing mid Jan? Ironheart.co.uk V3 is launching….....
If Chris isn't available or wants assistance, I'd be happy to help. I have extensive proof reading experience, mostly pharmaceutical and automotive (including legal copy), but I can get by in just plain old English (UK) or English (American).
Just opened a La Trappe Oak Aged Quadrupel (8 € bottle), and it has expired… Foul tasting stuff... So pissed off... On the other hand: I (luckily) only bought one bottle at the store... Stinks though, cause I probs won't be able to visit my regular beer store aka Beer Paradise cause it's gonna snow 4"es during the night...
If Chris isn't available or wants assistance, I'd be happy to help. I have extensive proof reading experience, mostly pharmaceutical and automotive (including legal copy), but I can get by in just plain old English (UK) or English (American).
Thanks zwer. Chris did it out of the blue and I have no expectations of anyone doing it again. We eventually find the cock-ups (well we do when they are pointed out)…..
This is Texas winter: high tomorrow- 82°F (28°C). High Monday- 55°F (13°C). Meteorological schizophrenia.
Pretty much sums up my reaction, too, Seul. Supposed to come close to a record high. Then a cold front, then back up close to 80 by next weekend. The wild temperature swings drive me nuts.
And all you guys are just rubbing it in, with your pics of flannel shirts, heavy jackets and other fantastic cold weather gear…
We're getting 10 degree (Celsius) temperature swings here, too, but it's mostly around 0. How did I not freeze before IH?
my computer charger is not working as often as it should. that said, i am awake and writing two responses for one of my classes and i cannot help but look at the arms of my Dry Bones denim jacket and feel proud of how even when i take this thing off, it still looks like there are arms in them due to creasing and all what not. Makes me feel good, man.
Strange question to Finn and Scroogen, when you power up the hard drive does it make a slight clicking noise? If so, it is indeed dead.
ok, back to this…my external hd "sounds" like it is working, so i hear some movement going on, when powering it up! still i can´t "see" it in the workspace though and no sign is showing after i´ve plugged it in...strange!
Should've come with an evacuation manual… Had to pull the shirt all the way up to my chest, open the three buttons, squeeze my arm through the chest/ neck opening, then pull it inside next to my body, and use my right hand to pull it all the way over my head. Fucking Houdini would've had issues with this...
Note: only put this on when DEADsure.
Still: best shirt. Fitpics in a bit. Gonna do some stretching exercises first...
for the 1st time after buying so many IH stuffs, UPS screws up. scheduled delivery was supposed to be by end of today monday, 10 december 2012 but it didn't. made my friend waste a day just to make sure someone was home.
called the local UPS customer service and they said try again tomorrow. don't they know others also got a job like them that requires us to be out of our house instead of staying at home and wait for money to fall from the sky.
oh well, I'm just ranting cos I'm excited to try the IHSI-02.
It's Christmas time. If they screw up only by one day that's a good job IMO.
but its more than 2 weeks away from christmas isn't it? oh well i guess i can wait another day. (not like i've a choice)