I bought Eds….
would anyone be able to speak on the quality of the Wesco burgundy leather? I know it is 5oz and 2mm thick…I posted a similar question in the Viberg thread because I really like the idea of the Merlot CXL but am not sure how it measures up against the Wesco Burgundy...if anyone has any thoughts on quality comparisons between the Wesco and Viberg engineers would be grateful.
Sorry to be so late to chime in but the burgundy leather is beautiful. It seems to be a little lighter than the black leather on my Jobmasters but I'm stil happy I went with burgundy. My only regret is not opting for the leather lining. I've always gone with unlined Jobmasters for my work and have been happy with them but it seems like it would be worth the money to add to a pair of Bosses.
The lining is a nice touch. I did a black lining on my Boss boots, and it doesn't look like much but it feels nice, and gives the boots some support in the shaft. I was walking my brother-in-law through his order, and he opted for a tobacco lining, and it turned out great! I love the contrast in color from the outer black shaft, to the inner tobacco lining.
Great pic rocket!
Friday those are simply fantastic!!!
Go for WESCO buddy. You'll be surprised. I kid you not. A very well made boots. Also you'll have spare $$ to buy more IH gear
…why do you think so? Wescos are about 600-700€ if you get one in Europe. If you import one you will have to pay taxes!...so it is expensive as Vibergs.