Random Rants
but its more than 2 weeks away from christmas isn't it? oh well i guess i can wait another day. (not like i've a choice)
For UPS, "Christmas" runs from Thanksgiving through December 24th. Give them a break, things happen. Besides, unless you paid for guaranteed shipping, the delivery date is only an estimate and subject to change. Be patient, young grasshopper.
^ think of it this way, rage through the tests. rage through the night. sleep till next semester. all right!
F**K telephone job interviews. Probably just torpedoed my chances because: (a) I had less than 24 hours to prepare (b) I struggled to hear and understand the questions being asked on an international phone line and
was unable to see the interviewer's reaction to my responses. Next time lets just do the interview inside the "Cone of Silence" and the results will probably be less comical than what just transpired.
I'm really stinging right now.
Just as predicted, totally blew that telephone interview. Potential employers didn't even bother getting back to me to tell me I was unsuccessful. I had to contact them and ask, "So… about that job interview?" Surely after submitting lengthy written materials and doing a 30 minute interview the least they can do is send me a one line email letting me know I didn't get the job?
some people needs to learn that in a crowded place, a bump or brushing of shoulders is unavoidable. wasted 5 mins of my life quarreling with a dumb security guard because of this stupid shit.
Car doors frozen shut this morning. I had to pry one open. The other took about 20 minutes of warming up before I could force it with my shoulder.
First day I regret giving the wife the garage…
Haha G!
That said she has a diesel and it starts up no problem in there every time. So I think I saved myself a hassle regardless.
I think the problem is when it's too cold the diesel engine just won't start. My friend told me he remembers when he was a kid and his dad owned these trucks for plowing or something… the guy operating the trucks used to heat up the gas tanks with a huge torch to warm up the gas a little and get the trucks started when it was really cold
Car doors frozen shut this morning. I had to pry one open. The other took about 20 minutes of warming up before I could force it with my shoulder.
First day I regret giving the wife the garage…
if this just happened cuz the door seals were frozen together, then just try and put some vaseline (or some other heavy grease/wax) on them! should prevent them from freezing together again!…
Good suggestions….car is a 2002 Hyundai Accent I just want to keep running for another year or so, I want to keep the cost low. I feel like an idiot for not considering the silicone spray...my dad would be disappointed in me.
If the car was newer, I would def go with the remote starter. Most of my neighbors have those.
Diesel is fine in the garage without any extras. At least so far....hasn't hit -30 yet....though I think one of those heated blankets on the engine would do the job.
and when it died i filled it with scrap metal and got like 600 back out of it at the wreckers
Have to keep this in mind. I can't sell or dispose of it in Canada, so I will have to do something with it in the near future.