American Football (NFL)
Did anyone see the Seattle/Arizona game last week? Did the Cards even show up?!?
According to Larry Fitzgerald's father, they have quit.
Chris, the Houstons are doing surprisingly well.
Oh I know; they are genuinely a good team and have real potential, if they can get a good run going and don't have too many bad breaks. But people here in Houston were starting to get hyperbolic and the Monday night game showed that the team still has some work to do before they can be considered elite.
Oh, and the fact that Kurt Warner could make the Cardinals a legitimate winning team is the best argument ever for calling him a Hall of Fame quality quarterback. That is an organization with hopeless failure coded into its DNA.
Yeah, the NY Giants did great against the Falcons
Yup I came here to brag. I hope this game silenced any of you doubters of SF's playoff ability this year. They just beat arguable the best QB in the league.
And I can't talk too much trash about the Giants until we get our rematch. If you guys make it that far..::)
GO 49ERS!!!