Craft Works - Let's Get Creative!
Love the chambray collar
that paint-like part is oil pastel, juan. it is applied generously with great force and many strokes (over and over the same line until a suitable amount of material is accumulated. those ridges are the excess pastel that is squeezed out the sides when making the line). the other parts are still colored pencil on black Arches Cover paper.
The last day of college has arrived. This is my final paper in an art history course surveying minority perspectives (laborers, minstrels, immigrants, homosexuals, women…) in New York from 1835-1935. For my final, I focused on blackface minstrelsy: This paper is my non-verbal response the misappropriation of complex African cultures (brown color scales) and the subsequent manipulation and capitalization of the fabricated blackface stereotypes (burnt cork, red, white) by the caucasian (AND rich african american, shown in gold and bronze instead of burnt cork and red) majority.
The oil pastel is supposed to be chunky and haphazard for this piece. It was inspired by videos of white actors applying the makeup onstage while talking/dancing/singing, as if you could just slap some paint on your face and you're as good as black. Fucking white people.
man i am slipping & missing so many quality posts.
incredible & very thoughtful stuff adam. i do appreciate what you do & your medium of expression.
nietenhosen, i've said it before but it is worth saying again, you are a talented guy. actually should say you are a craftsman as saying talented implies it is just a gift instead of something you have worked hard at.
found this:
might put on my vest in 2013 with this:
Monday, that flag reminded me of something I made about a week ago. When your broke but have a bunch of leather and a bunch of people in your life who need gifts, you tend to start reaching a bit. I saw a flag that corter had made a while back from his extra belt straps so I kind of put my own twist on the same thing. Used super thick 13oz leather and copper roofing nails to mount it onto a 1/4 inch piece of wood, so they will age along with the leather.
Adam you are so talented brother