^^Buzzed shopping ends up being pretty expensive - how'd it turn out?!
luckily i wasnt drunk enough to spend anything
it was before pay day
been listenign to red fang all night. cant get enough of this band.
^great band
Awesome man! Super stoked to meet you guys in Philly. The union transfer is by far the best venue in that city. we are planning some fun surprises!
also….if you need a photo pass send me a pm and i'll work it out for you.
The feeling is mutual Giles. Don't tell Paula.
Really can't wait for this. This will be my 1st hardcore show since seeing drive like jehu in 1992
that's a good last show to have been to though. Jehu is an all time favorite.
we are planning to have a pretty cool guest btw natehate.
I just want you guys to know this thread is making me very very jealous. If only Nate and I could surprise attack. Too bad there's no way for me to pull it off. Period.
"If you feeling sinister "is such a great record