IHSH-22 Large check flannels
I can't sleep and I am thinking about Blue flannel…
I can't sleep and I am thinking about Blue flannel…
Other than the no sleeping part I can't get this one outta my head…I may have to jump on this one. :-\
Yup I guess it did, G put one in the pile for me!
NICE!!!! An addition that cannot be passed up!
Stuck in customs in NY since Wednesday…
I'm not too worried. The status will update tomorrow. Just really excited for this shirt!
My Blue just arrived today!!!! I cannot wait to wear it tomorrow. Hopefully there is some sun out so I can get a good flick for you all…
weather.com says - San Francisco, Thursday, 60 and partly cloudy ..should work
Tomorrow might just work. Today is awful. Rainy, cloudy and windy… Wearing it right now underneath my FH 7001!
Apologies for the awful photo. went out to take a flick of myself wearing this but the rain started up right as I began and this was all I got… I can't wait to get another color!!!!!
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