IHTL-1213 - Thermal Waffle Henley
So Alex is hiding from having to see you in a Medium? I knew he was a smart guy.
BLK,GREY XL copp'd N stack'd…
ordered a grey L. wanted the black too but in the time i got the email to when i got home they were gone!
So I've had a long couple days and haven't gotten much sleep. I figured I would pull an all-nighter to grab this because the projected 6a PST launch time would have been hard to wake up for, had I gone to bed. Kept refreshing the page until about 7:40a, and then passed out on the couch with the computer, evidently. These went live at 8a. Snapped awake at 10a, and all gray and black XLs are gone. The worst news, however, was seeing that these are endangered, and not extant. I'm fairly new to IH releases and learned my lesson the hard way on this one.
I'm pretty sure G. might be able to get some more… ("might" being the operative word though)
It's nice that they went fast. Just be patient and see what G says.
i wanted white anyway, so looks like I have some time to mull it over.
Thanks dudes. I'm not mad or anything, just disappointed in myself, really. Not a very wise decision on my part (should have just taken a couple hour nap). Rookie mistake. And yeah, I actually hope these fly off the shelves. H & G deserve it – not to mention that would likely guarantee another run.
Mark me down for a black l if you can get more.