Heavyweight Denim Championships 2013-2015 - Official Thread
**Round 1 of the HWDC has just ended, and judging will now take place over the next 4 weeks. We started with 76 competitors, and ended with only 16, the drop off for these things is always massive and we are only left with the truly dedicated.
If you want to see some the of the finest examples of worn heavy denim that you are ever likely to see (plus mine), you need to check out the following thread….....
Looking forward to seeing even more worn in, heavy denim in another 2 years.**
Reminder - Ordering Closes on the 14th
Me too, the belts are stunning, and for the price if you are in the market for a belt you will not find better. The order numbers have not been what I anticipated from initial interest, but the same can be said of a lot of things that are retailed. I guess these are valuable lessons learned
We got a sub section of our own
I will pass that Info onto the other forums.
We require 4 more by Wednesday
Good. So I have a fighting chance of getting my shirt…
You'll get it Chris, I have told vincent that I will buy the shortfall (four shirts is not big deal) from HWDC funds if needs be. I can always randomly award them as prizes throughout the comp
And that's why you're awesome.
(Before Seul interjects, allow me to say premptively, "Fuck you, pig boy.)
Nah, it will be fine.
We have belts too