Pocketknives/Kitchen Knives/Fixed Blades
This saves me from doing my homework… Thanks DNG... No Persistence for me!..
I still wonder how they can sell the Delica for such an astonoshing price, keeping in mind it's Japanese made... I know it's an old model (well: 1990 was a long time ago I guess), but still... Quite remarkable...
Don't get me wrong, it's a fantastic knife for $30. The lockup is perfect and it's price point is perfect for abusing or neglecting
Re: the Delica's price: the steel is a tried and true steel, VG10. Been around for awhile. I like it a lot personally. Takes a great edge and sharpens easily. Doesn't rust easily and will hold an edge for at least a day of regular (not heavy) use. Also, the handles are injection molded, so after the initial investment in molds (I think the owner said it's several thousand dollars), the cost is mainly the material, and FRN is relatively inexpensive.
So between the low cost of a steel that's been around for awhile and low manufacturing costs, the knife comes out to about 50 bucks
Big blade for food, little blade for opening packages
Screwdriver for tightening stuff up/scraping crap out of the treads of boots
Bottle opener so you don't have to carry one on your keys
Can opener can also be used as a hook for out of reach wires, also has a small screwdriver
Awl for pilot holes for screws
Phillips head screwdriver…for driving screws
Tweezers for splinters, stray hair that a razor missed
Small pin for blisters/opening up jammed cd-rom drives/resetting small electronics with a reset hole
Lanyard for using your Swiss Army Knife as a mace on the head of the guy that didn't come prepared for most anything
For all Chris Reeve supporters
Destruction tests like Noss really piss me off
All the engineering that goes into knives, and the guy attempts to discredit the value of the knives when he uses knives in stupid ways
Splitting wood by whacking the spine of a knife is appropriate only if you are a complete moron. Taking a sledgehammer to the spine of a knife is beyond my comprehension
By his definition of what defines a "tough knife", I have an 80lb kettlebell at home that is a better knife
Gentlemen, this is precisely why you should avoid getting kicked in the balls too often, you'll wind up with kids like this
Not just that, but the "tests" aren't even valid. Why would you baton logs like that? Because you don't have an axe or a saw handy? How the hell would you have logs in the first place then?!? And whacking a sharp knife like that is asking for an accident.
These videos are for people with no real experience working with their knives
One of my friends got me this knife as a present. Fucking badass knife.
DPx HEST w/Micarta handle
Anyone have any feedback on the HEST 2.0 folder?
Every so often I either witness or am the first responder to a motor vehicle accident or some kind of accident. Was looking for any multitool that would be super reliable. I am trying to look for something that has a glass breaker, a blade and safety cutter that can easily shred open seat belts or clothing.
Was looking at a benchmade auto triage as an option but open to suggestions.
Brother seul, hope you can help me out
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