Iron Heart IH-634S - World Tour 2010 - 2013
As per joesaintjohn's request here are a few more pics of our barn…
the far wall with the darker wood is surfaced with the original exterior barn board, probably about 250 years old. we milled it all down and used all the useable pieces for that wall and then also for interior insulated barn doors (forgot to get a picture of those, but i'll snap one later). under the loft is a tool "shed" but we're eventually going to split that space in half, throw up a wall, and make a bathroom….although i'm not sure we can run plumbing out there. maybe a composting toilet. it's been pretty awesome so far though. the other night when i posted pictures of the woodstove i actually fell asleep out there on the couch for like 4 hours. we've still got a bunch of work to do out there but it's coming along. gotta redo the roof in the spring.
Holy crap, Nate. That places is incredible. I love barns/cabins/lodges. That place looks so warm and cozy, like a great respite from the hustle bustle of the world.
thanks joe. its funny….its 100 feet from my backdoor but it feels like we're in a log cabin in the wilderness haha.
So sic
There's nothing quite better than that feeling, Nate, nothing quite better.
My phone has been acting like a real asshole lately so I apologize for the lag in posts. Here's a short weekly update of stuff…
Bought a week long supply of donuts from my favorite donut spot that only lasted 2 days. I'm so ashamed of myself
The hospital where the wife will be giving birth has a really small museum in the foyer with some stuff relating to the history of the hospital. I'm a sucker for old medical/surgical tools. They seem so medieval.
What's a wt post by me without breakfast?
My wife is a saint. We are a week away from having our first kid and she knew how much I needed some skate time. It's been a few months because I was on the road so much and the winter weather has been a bummout so I took a super secret last minute skate mission Friday night with a couple buddies.
Some drinks got drinked.
Crashed on a friends floor.
My buddy took his 4 year old out to get some!
My problem on skate trips is that I get so caught up in skating that I forget to take pictures so I'm gonna see if any of my friends took any. More coming soon!
both of those things have claimed plenty of my skin. the WT jeans maybe left a little bit of thread behind. i'm hoping one of my friends got some shots of me skating in the jeans.