Do you guys run with water? I never have. Even when running for a couple of hours I don't bring water.
Anything over 5 miles and I carry water. I like the Nathan handheld. It's small enough, but with a decent sized pocket for keys and grub. The handheld is good up to about 16 miles for me. Any longer distance and I try to stash water or run loops.
despite icing, massaging, stretching, and sleeping with a splint… my plantar fascia still hasnt shown any signs of improvement. still hobbling but the pain just shoots up and radiates throughout my heel. a little scared to admit how bad the damage might really be but i will give it another week of complete rest. if no signs of improvement... i will schedule an appt with my sports doctor for the first week of march and just take it from there.
Good luck, fella. I've started week 2 of my running break. Probably start up again next Sunday in prep for a half in early May. In the meantime, it's lots of legs at the gym.
Nope, just weights. No interest in spinning.
I really need to get back into regular running now. Went out last night and felt good, with no niggles or tightness, so I managed about 6.5 miles. Not a lot, but my best in months due to ankle and ITB issues. A bit sore today!
any advice on knee injuries that stem from pronation problems? I will add, like an idiot, I have never went to a doctor about the injury so I am not sure how extensive the damage is. I have not been at full capacity since october of last year. Switched shoes and added an orthotic but can't seem to get my knee back to 100%. :-\
any milage is better than no milage. all i do is sit around now. i was suppose to have my follow up with my doctor and get a refferal for an MRI… but shingles put a dent in that. injuries like ours can be depressing enough as you know SM. i wish i can even run 1 mile. but im glad you can get something in SM..... ease into it. understand the difference between muscle soreness and possible injury. listen to your body but most of all..... enjoy that freedom you get SM
Ran the Canyonlands 1/2 today. Moab is just a cool cool town.
Beautiful day and start line.
Motivating scenery!
All I can see is people who need to be passed
Dude, there are times when you need to pass people and there are times when you need to just hang back and enjoy your run.
The closer to the front, the better looking the scenery! Not that I get especially close…
For my taste, mid pack is best. Too far forward and the scenery gets, um, kind of sausage-y.
Of course that could just be my justification for my inability to get that far forward.