Perfect day to free the bike from the battery tender and start riding. First ride of 2013. It's been way to cold here in Utah, but 46F was just what I needed.
Thanks. Pretty lucky being this close to the Mtns. 20 mins from my door to 4 different ski resorts. When its warmer i usually ride by the canyons on my commute to catch 15 mins of twisties before heading home.
Thanks. I do love IG
Giles, if you're after any instruction I passed my test with Mark at M&D Training, and he's based up at Hilsea.
Apparently when one of the driving examiners wanted to get his bike license, the old school, and rather strict, bike examiner recommended Mark.
Me doing my test around Gosvegas suggests to me that it is actually the centre of the universe. :o
Very cool G, excellent choice.
Congrats! Sweet bike.