Pocketknives/Kitchen Knives/Fixed Blades
I bought an Ra Clicky about a month ago and am loving it.
Doug, that Strider looks great! Are you planning on EDCing it or is it just getting added to the collection?
You guys are making me want a sebbie again…
I hear a lot of good things about the Ra lights. Right now, I have too many expenses and not enough need for a 180lumen light to justify it. I use my Novatac to death on inspections though
Daveo, a little bit of both. I had my eye on this knife for a long long time, and finally pulled the trigger on it. I don't have a lot of opportunity to carry a fixed blade, but this summer I should finally make the move to Maryland and there's more outdoor stuff to do there than in NYC, so I'll use the Strider then. My CRK Professional Soldier gets a lot of use for the same reason this one will, skeletonized handles are easy to clean
I'd look at the Unmumzaan too dude…it's a great, versatile knife...also easy to clean!!!
Yeah, I'm looking forward to using the Ra for many years to come.
As far as fixed blades go, I think I'm about to pull the trigger on a Rat RC-4 or Bark River Bravo 1. I'm leaning towards the RC-4 since I'll get a dozier ks-7 when I find one anyway.
I love fixed blades
That being said, I almost never carry them because they're a pain in the ass
I'm moving towards slip joints these days. Jody's been asking what I wanted for my upcoming birthday, and I changed my story from wanting a framelock knife to a Shatt and Morgan slipjoint
There are actually few things I really need a locking knife for (mostly I open boxes, cut food, cut the occassional small branch out of the way, sometimes I'll whittle a stick out of boredom). You really need to know how to use a knife that doesn't have a lock, and slipjoints just look all that much more classy
yep. I'm only getting the RC-4 for my backpack. I'll never carry it on my side unless I'm camping. But….I do want something that's tough as hell for my pack and this one fits the bill without being overkill (price), plus it has the best warranty in the industry.
As far as an EDC goes, I'm looking at getting one of the new William Henry E6 EDC. I have the Sebenza but sometimes it's a bit large.
I need a new knife. Looking for a folding knife with an Arc Lock. Also, not really a fan of quick release. I have owned two Sogg's in the past and enjoyed everything about them except for their pocket clips which were connected to the end of the handle as opposed to the middle or 3/4 area. They both broke off and have since been lost. Any recommendations from those of you schooled in knives would be great! General use would be for EDC. Need to be CA street legal. Thanks!
I need a new knife. Looking for a folding knife with an Arc Lock. Also, not really a fan of quick release. I have owned two Sogg's in the past and enjoyed everything about them except for their pocket clips which were connected to the end of the handle as opposed to the middle or 3/4 area. They both broke off and have since been lost. Any recommendations from those of you schooled in knives would be great! General use would be for EDC. Need to be CA street legal. Thanks!
I've never had an Arc lock but the Benchmade Axis lock seems to be very similar. If you definitely don't want anything but that type of lock then I can definitely recommend the Benchmade. I have a 710, which is 3.9" (blade). You can see it here: http://www.benchmade.com/products/710
There's also a smaller version http://www.benchmade.com/products/705 which is made of CPM154 (stainless) instead of the D2 tool steel. Both are great!Other ones I like are Chris Reeve Sebenza, Mnandi (frame locks), and William Henry E6 EDC (button lock).
I don't think CA has any laws against length of the blade:
http://www.ninehundred.net/~equalccw/knifelaw.html -
Oh and check out the Benchmade 707. I'm really liking that one as well. by the way, what length blade are you looking for?
nixage you are right, no limit in CA. What are the laws in NY? I am looking for something no bigger than Blade Length 3.75" x .125" and Overall Length 8.37".
Looks like the law in NY is up to 4" but you may want to do some google'ing on that Here's a link to start you off: http://knife-expert.com/ny.txt
I should have also asked what price range you're looking at. Check out knifeforums.com and bladeforums.com as well.
I think if you want to stick to around $100 then the 707 is good bet. For an EDC a 3" blade is really plenty.
Right on! Thanks guys. I will be getting one in the near future but just have to decide which model I want…
The AXIS locking mechanism is amazing. I heartily recommend the Benchmade models designed by Osborne… the 942 and 943 are particularly beautiful knives. (go to WeBeKnives on pier 39 if you want to handle these in person - horrible location, great friendly knifeshop in SF - they also carry Chris Reeve.. who, I must say, makes MOTHERFUCKING DELICIOUS knives. Definite kinship betwixt IH and CR knives in terms of overbuilt, superdurable classic design.)
In production knives, the Benchmade MPR 755 is the new hot thing. It's not an Axis lock, it's a framelock
You can get it at knifeworks.com for about 150
In NYC, the legal blade length limit is 4", and it has to be completely concealed. That means, the clip cannot be exposed on your pocket. That being said, I've never gotten any shit about my knife, but I've heard some stories
The AXIS locking mechanism is amazing. I heartily recommend the Benchmade models designed by Osborne… the 942 and 943 are particularly beautiful knives. (go to WeBeKnives on pier 39 if you want to handle these in person - horrible location, great friendly knifeshop in SF - they also carry Chris Reeve.. who, I must say, makes MOTHERFUCKING DELICIOUS knives. Definite kinship betwixt IH and CR knives in terms of overbuilt, superdurable classic design.)
I agree, over the years, I've had a LOT of knives…not nearly as many as Commodorewheeler, but my fair share. I've had folders as expensive as $600, and as cheap as $50, and nothing really has the staying power in my pocket as a CRK. My Sebenza is actually getting a refurb at the CRK shop, it's been getting beat up for years now and it's time for some TLC from the shop.
If you can, I would recommend feeling up both the Sebenza and the Umnumzaan. The Umnumzaan is the only knife to replace the Sebenza as my heavy use EDC
Re: AXIS Lock, my step son has a Benchmade Griptilian which he loves, but the AXIS lock never did anything for me. Maybe it's because I'm used to liner/frame locks, but the AXIS just seems to be a pain in the ass to unlock for me
All great points. Personally if I was looking at an axis type of lock then I'd go Benchmade. If going framelock, I'd go Sebenza, which has a bushing to keep it from being over tightened and also keeps the blade centered (google it).