Heavyweight Denim Championships 2013-2015 - Official Thread
Backed hard !!!! Haraki has gone above and beyond for us on this one, and I am so grateful for his time, help, and not forgetting what he has lost financially on the lost denim and other expenses. Truly one of a kind
Just swift reminder that balance of payment for the HWDC belts is due on or before March 22nd, and I would prefer not get all the balances on that date if possible.**
Thanks man, appreciated sincerely.
Well played, sir, on all fronts.
Just saw the payment link, boom. I'm all in! Thanks Haraki and Mega, you guys are seriously incredible. Well played, cheerio, good on you, and whatever other fancy sounding British phrase that means good job.
do we have a due date for payment for the rest of the MBB's, i just wanna make sure than when the official sizing comes out ( if i just have not seen it yet) , i select the right size and add what i want to hem them to correctly before i pay the remainder
Ok, so here is what is going to happen in the next couple of weeks…..
- MBB's arrive in Gosport.
- MBB's are measured.
- Measurement chart is published across all forums.
- Mme B send email to all who have bought MBB's for payment, sizing and hemming options.
- At CSM on 30/03 and 01/04 jeans are hemmed.
- From 02/04 onwards all MBB's are shipped, with HWDC belts for those who have requested this.
- I get really, really drunk and vow never to do this again (until next time
awesome thanks… lol
Now THAT is a schedule!
Thanks for break down Mega!
Hey Mega, if we have our belt shipping with another pair of jeans besides the MBB do we still have to wait till April 2nd till they ship or will they ship earlier?
Unfortunately you may have to wait, the reasons are as follows…
- I am expecting the belts to be with me "around" the 22nd, this could mean anything up to the 26th.
- On the 29th I will be in Gosport for the CSM, and I will bring the belts with me.
- We have public holiday from 29th of March to April 1st inclusive.
In order for me to ship your belt earlier, I would have to mail it to Giles to send with your jeans, and the chances are that it would arrive with him about the same time as I do.
Apologies, but it's just the way things have fallen in terms of dates.
Ok Mega, Thanks for the update.