IH-803-indigo - Denim Herringbone Logger Pants
G, looks good!!! One question, what is the shrinkage like on these as well as the 801 and 802?
LOL Thanks G!
They have all waist sizes still available in Japan, so can be done whenever - well until they sell out :). I'm def getting a pair. Mrs G tried Beatles on and quite frankly it's touch and go as to whether Beatle will ever see them. Sorry Beats, but you know what she's like
Darn, I thought I had them so well hidden but Giles has found 'em!
They are safely back in your drawer, Beats. Promise. -
I feel very embarassed that G told you I tried them on, how naughty of me.
Yes, the length is great - they are gonna look fantastic on you.
wait no fit picks of the shorts
Giles i thought I was done until fall winter 10-11 but u keep pulling me back in
is it possible there will be a short sleeve workshirt to go with these??????