I saw that when I was over in the Sammie forum yeaterday and you all were talking about starting this thread. Jumped over on BiG and saw all those beautiful long inseams
that post was directed exactly at you
i thought it might have been
i know I am probably the most vocal person around the forum constantly screaming for denim equal rights for the vertically enhanced. Thanks b_F!
What to do if you have the cut-off from the hemjob and some spare minutes?
resulting in some spare denim and original Eternal thread for repairs
I wore a pair of 874 on/off for a couple of years and have since worn a pair of Flat Head F350s for a similar period. Different cuts but in my humble opinion, selvage colour aside, the denim seems eerily similar.
I never tire of seeing Ipkus' Eternal 811. For me, the grail pair of that model.
What to do if you have the cut-off from the hemjob and some spare minutes?
resulting in some spare denim and original Eternal thread for repairs
That's brilliant. Adding that to my to do list with my MBB scrap.
any of you guys know where I might be able to grab a 15th anni 888 in a size 30?
Sufu Crosspost - Eternal 888 many washes some months (5-6?)
Excellent. Love the evo on the patch as well… Quite remarkable
I have quite a bit of credit at BiG and noticed they have a size 29 in the anniversay 888… sorry for the sizing question but wanted to know how much to expect the waist to stretch. I wear a 29 in samurai s5000vx 17 oz. and generally take a 30 in my IH's... The thigh looks like it will be perfect on a 29 post soak but just wanted to make sure the waist had some stretch in it. thanks in advance.
I went with my usual 34 and do not advice to size down. They shrink a fair amount over time and don't stretch beyond the raw state, maybe even stay a tad below.
Really? I washed mine a lot and feel like they are kinda snug and tighter than my 34 sammies.
For how long do you have them now?