Random Announcements
hell, I even go that far and say, the way TW shirts are cut, they're even a tad better as the most IH shirts I own!
...Wow, that is saying a lot. Not surprised though. I expected the quality to be up there.
I've had my eye on the 01 as well.
went with a white TWSH-01 in the end…actually wanted to buy the IHSH-67 as my first "real" white shirt, but the cut just wasn't working (too long in the body and sleeves) and also the fabric wasn't as "soft" as the -01...
which is perfect for summer imo! so look forward to those shirts buddy -
Congrats. I will admit TW is definitely more on my radar. I hate that I missed out on the Blue 01's (I need a Large per norm) but the white is on my buy list. The upcoming TW t's have caught my eye as well. As with my first IH purchase, I expect an exponential desire for more TW after my shirts arrive.
As with my first IH purchase, I expect an exponential desire for more TW after my shirts arrive.
I'd be surprised if this wouldn't be the case
there must be some kind of special ingredient that H. and G. put into the fabric during production, that makes the wearer addicted to such brilliant clothes, no matter what it is, please stop…NOT! -
The whole TW thing leaves me stupefied. It is designed by the same people as IH and it is made by the same people who make IH. If it had an IH tag on it, I would not be able to stock enough of it. The TWSH-02 is imo one of the best shirts to come out of The Works. It is not a lesser brand, it is not a cheaper brand, it is not a poor relation, it has a slightly different concept. I am glad that more people are beginning to understand this, otherwise they would be missing out.
The only reason I can think of is on a subconscious level the thought is "that it's not as heavy so it can't be as good."
It also explains why once we sample 1 shirt we realize that it was prejudice and come back for 2nds and 3rds :).
I'm loving all 3 of my TWSH shirts, with TWSH-09 being my most-worn shirt during the week.
^when wearing you don't even notice the "different" pockets…the only thing I know is that the left chest pocket is iPhone 5 compatible. a big plus in my book (at least for those guys that don't like to wear their phone in the pockets!)...
The whole TW thing leaves me stupefied. It is designed by the same people as IH and it is made by the same people who make IH. If it had an IH tag on it, I would not be able to stock enough of it. The TWSH-02 is imo one of the best shirts to come out of The Works. It is not a lesser brand, it is not a cheaper brand, it is not a poor relation, it has a slightly different concept. I am glad that more people are beginning to understand this, otherwise they would be missing out.
took me a certain while to really understand this and to learn to appreciate it in its full glory…yesterday was the first time I actually was able to handle some TW shirts in person...the feeling was just unbelievable and way more than what I would have expected!
may sounds a bit weird after reading your statement again Giles, I know, but I think the guys that haven't ordered any of the shirts yet, because of whatever reason that is, they really need to check them out in person to fully enjoy the fabric and all the little details that comes with a TWSH!also slipped into the IHSH-46(my actual grail business shirt), but in the end i went with the TWSH-01...I think that's saying enough about their quality and what not!...
The only thing I don't like about the TW shirts is the pockets. Can't get past that
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2
Enjoy ya addiction!
TW shirts are nice shirts!!! The different pocketsize was something I did not like, but it looks like they fixed it. The "new direction" was the right choice
My TWSH-10 is so hyper-nice!!!
TW was always going to be experimental…..Some experiments work some don't, but a) beauty is in the eye of the beholder, b) Many work shirts from the 1800 and 1900's had asymmetric pockets, c) One size/design/concept does not fit/suit all, that does not mean it is wrong. Look at the endless discussions about T-shirt sizing, what we do at the moment fits some people, but the people who they do not fit bitch about it, if we changed the sizing to suit the bitchers, the other half would start bitching.
can we stop talking about the tw shirts?
if everyone figures out how rad they are then those of us that are already in the know will actually have to scramble to get the stuff we're after when it drops
fuck, sry for bringing it up nate dogg
one last statement to the TW shirts topic though:
get at'em Bitches…or die!