IH-666SB - Superblack Devil's Fit
Just can't help noticing and playing the wiseguy
I just wanted to be sure but .5 isn't much of a shrinkage because I have about 1 inch to play around with with the inseam. I'm aiming for a 30 inseam so I am getting it hemmed at 31. I just wanted to be sure because if this denim shrinkes 1-1.5 inches I would be very sad. Also I got my denim hemmed at certain places and they are off by .5, I never had IH hemmed my jeans before do they hem it exactly to the size I ordered?
agree with hajduk, your beast would be in good hands. the people at IHUK knows their stuffs so nothing to worry about.
anyway is it just me or does anyone else also thinks the thigh measurements on these seems marginally smaller than 666S.
So, has anybody bought these and can post pictures for christ's sake?
And what money am I supposed to use? The one that I need for my car to drive to my deadend job or that I use to buy food?
Although…if I skip food, I can make the thighs work and buy them jeans ???
So… I'm checking up on new threads I might have started up since I was last here, and I find this one. Hmm...
I sold the pair of Super black jeans I had. There is a hole in my collection...
Thinking 8).
I own the IHXBO1 and OD, while the two in size 31 lenght 31.5.
I 76.5 CM waist
to you after what size and length should I take knowing that I intend to soak it first? a 29 or a 30?thank you
Perfect timing Giles! Just bought a pair of 31s as I need a pair of black jeans for a formal thing next weekend - nothing worse than meeting the future in-laws for the first time and leaving indigo dye all over their nice white furniture! I wear a 32 in BBs, 634s, 555s and 666XHS so I figured I could probably wrestle into the 31s in these. Hope I'm right.