Himel Brothers Leather Co.
It is a tagged 42.
Wow…..that jacket was made for you. Seeing it on self edge I always thought "who the fuck is going to wear this?" but you totally changed my mind. Also, I think shorter sleeves look really cool so that's a + from me. Enjoy this thing, you wear it very well!
The Heron is in my long term plans. I just need to get one direct from Himel because I'm not a camo guy. Other than that, the Heron is my dream jacket...
I would like a heron in the future as well but will proly wait until next year and have himel do it himself as well as I don't believe the SE OTR measurements in that particular jacket will work for me
If you haven't been on himels page lately and looking for a beautiful studded belt, look now… One of these may be in my near future
Warning, chrome tanned lovers may not appreciate this, or it may cause you to reconsider your allegiance.
here is a glimpse at how the veg tanned semi aniline dyed Shinki HH patinas…. this is going to be a very interesting jacket to watch over time. enjoy
Wait a minute, will the heron look like that eventually as well?
if it is the same semianiline wax dyed hh it will.
**just looked at the one on SE, which does not use the wax surface dye so I do not believe it will have the same type of patina, but it still is a semi an. dye
Yeah I would imagine that the wax exacerbates that evo. This makes the decision harder, I like more subtle patina in my clothes….
Indeed it is, most the Evo has occurred where my back pack rubs , snd since I where it a good portion of the day 5 days a week there you have it… The elbows are probably my favorite as they are really coming in nice.
GMB- I hear ya, it's a bit more specific to jackets of this type. If you look up old j100 or any old bucks for that matter you will see similar Evo though I agree it is not for every type if leather jacket. I think it would look almost silly on a heron but just my 2cents
Graeme, thanks man! I really love it!
Also GMB, you ought to give David himel an email he is very knowledgable, kiya is also a big help in helping you find the "look" your after. Good luck man! A great leather jacket is something becomes part if who you are, and vice versa if that makes sense
Thanks sf