Where does everyone live?
Hi Seul, setting up a pre-shop in the hall where I live (yeah, I know, sounds weird) which is in the same building as Cream (Hoogpoort). Will be selling IH, TFH, Japan Blue, some vintage army stuff, just basic quality items. The pre-shop will be a feeler for the Japanese brands and denim here in Ghent. The actual shop will be in the basement, it's a very cool medieval cellar, but getting approval from city council takes its time, hence the small startup.
Welcome Arlo and good luck with all the organising.
Yeah, best of luck, Arlo.
Good luck Arlo and keep us posted (I'm here representing Antwerpen) …
I also live in Oakland California and think it is a wonderful city that just gets better and better each year.
Here is a picture of me in the Popeye Beatle Busters. Don't think I'll win that contest though cuz I don't wear them every day and I try to keep my jeans dark as much as possible. I like the the contrast lines from wear but still like an overall dark indigo jean.–Daniel
Can't figure out how to make the pic display right.
Edit - Fixed
Great fit dude! And welcome!
Hello from the Bay Area!
My first ever purchase of quality denim was a pair of IH-634S at Self Edge a few years ago. Purchased them after recommendations from a friend with the intention of wearing them when riding. Couldn't be happier with how they'e worn in, and have served me better than I imagined.
Shout out to Kiya if you're there!
Going to be picking up another pair of IH/TW as my first pair are way too tight now. ::)
And we like where we live, but that is so beautiful
Thanks for sharing (and making us envious!)
Papaw, your English is great. Don't be worried about posting, even the English guys in the forum are hard to understand!!!
Hi All. Just joined today. I live in Manila, Philippines and Auckland, New Zealand.
Welcome BigRustyPig! Lovely places to live - look forward to seeing some pics.
@Seul - as soon as I saw his nick I thought of you, as I'm sure did others