Iron Heart IH-634S - World Tour 2010 - 2013
From 32-34 I'm willing to do! (Seeing as my size be the 33 I'd be willing to wear a tad baggy or flaunt slimmer than usual.) Lemme know ya'll!
really great idea.
too bad, i'm too plump for all the sizes mentioned & I'm, pretty sure anything smaller than a 34 would kill the chances of me having any other children.
If it goes well and we have enough interest, I'm happy to do a TW world tour with the TWHRII:
(TTS W32) but anything W31 - W34
Oh man I have been waiting for this!!! Great idea Beats. So I would be down to do W31-W34 but would really prefer a W32 or W33. I guess it is only a month and I grew up wearing W34 - W36 so it really is not big deal. That is what (IH) Belts are for! Oh and IH-634S is definitely the jean to do. And a TW World Tour would be pretty cool as well! Maybe they could go at the same time to the same people in the reversed order as the IH-634S's? Or maybe there could be a TW Tour with The Natural, Permanent, and Future of the same model and do a 3 month cycle where each person wears a different pair of TW's for 3 months straight… Just thinking
Sounds like fun, even if I've repeatedly failed to get pics posted… :-\ Getting a new camera soon, though. Maybe that'll change things. I'm definitley a staunch advocate of the world tour concept after following the Dirty Dozen progress on SUFU.