Random Rants
Thought about buying an affliction shirt, ed hardy jeans, and a Von Dutch trucker for Halloween. Was gonna go as a douche bag. Didn't think anyone in Lawton Oklahoma would get it, though.
I just lol'd. Teehee!
seriously though… I know what you mean, if I did that here in bfe Missouri I would just "fit in"
Awesome, JSJ
Tats, I list stuff on eBay all the time. Usually if you use another name to sell your product you get suspending for 3 days from selling. I know this as I tried selling a Couple of tattoo machines from other builders using Aaron Cain's name or Seth Ciferri. Just because their shit is good and it sells.
I think reporting them is the right thing to do. In hindsight using Aaron's name to sell something inferior was wrong and an insult to him. Especially as he is an awesome guy and had provided myself with some great lessons and also equipment over the years..
G should report it. That way it's sound in motive. If you have the time that is G.
Mate, Customs are worse extortion mungers on the planet!! Scum!! Worse than bikers!!
I read this article back in 2007.
A follow-up has just been published.
So after six years, which have included prolonged periods of inflation, no growth in income, and a near-death experience for the financial system, and London is even more expensive.
It's completely screwed.
Hmm, it's not just London… I got talking to a colleague at work the other day (trying to find somewhere else to live). She mentioned that a house near her had just been rented by someone from Saudi Arabia for £3000 pcm!! ****ing Cheshire
Parts of Cheshire are stupidly expensive though. My father does water pumping systems, and occasionally has dealings with that part of the world.
I think that the property market has diverged, with the prime locations rising sharply, whereas the less desirable parts have flatlined (at best) for the last few years.
No idea how it's going to end, but I suspect it'll be badly.
In Mansfield you can still buy a Georgian mansion for £20 and a pickled egg
It even comes with your own heroin addicts, what more could you ask for
I'm tired of the "craft beer" trend in Texas. It's not that I don't like to support the local guys, it's just that so much of it is just dull. Every time I turn around, there's a new brewery opening and they're offering an IPA, an Amber and either a Porter or a Stout. That's if they're edgy, if not, then it's IPA/Amber/Hefeweizen. And every one of them is mediocre and on draft in every restaurant. I don't give a crap that you have 30 beers on tap, if 15 of them are C grade IPAs distinguishable only by their cartoon character label and pun-based name. For the love of god, just make a good beer and give it a normal name. The "funny" stuff is so overdone that an actual grown up label would actually stand out. And here's another way to stand out- make something different. I don't even care what; it could be a lychee flavored lambic, a wheat beer seasoned with ginger and aged in sake casks, a chocolate banana oatmeal stout, jalepeno infused bottle fermented lager, whatever. Just not another "Ale To The Chief!" from Beaver Fur (wink, wink, nudge, nudge, isn't that hilarious?) Brewery.
Welcome to the last 25 years of beer production in the UK, nice of you to catch up.
I had a coconut IPA a couple of weeks ago. A collaboration between Brewdog and a craft brewery in Bristol… 7.4% ABV. I don't know why exactly, I forgot to ask due to beer induced memory loss, but it was called "Pirate Badger Attacks" :). Possibly something to do with the ill thought out badger cull that has been attempted recently at massive cost and no real effect. It caused one politician to complain that "The badgers keep moving the goal posts" and thus, another meme was born.
So, there are good craft breweries out there. But as you say, as soon as something is seen as a profitable way for breweries to obtain a larger market share, the world and his wife has to bring out a range of craft beers. Which of course does nothing but turn people away from craft beer if all they are served is crap...