Anyone here play video games?
That is seriously fantastic. I gotta pick up the game. Still haven't got Killer is Dead and Pikmin 3
@shoque I still need to get Pikmin
Still managing to not play:
MGS: Legacy Collection
GTA VOn order for the near future:
Castlevania: LoS collection
Watchdogs (PS4)Think I need a few months off work…
Although I did manage to both download and play the Beyond Two Souls demo. I sort of like the fact that you can't really fail at the game (pretty much any missed QTE eventually cuts to Jodie managing to extricate herself from danger) but I think I'll wait until next year to buy the full game.
And my latest merchandise haul:
The Beams x Biohazard I have been waiting pretty much 2 years to find… Sometimes I love Rakuten. More pics:
T-shirt is still sealed, book has never been read. The only thing that stops this from being brand new is the cellophane taken off the box.
Now to agonise over whether or not to look at the pictures (I won't pretend I understand any Kanji… I can puzzle out some Kata-kana sometimes) and try the T-shirt on :-\
You gotta wear the shirt bro. Anybody else holding out for a MGSolid bundle on the PS4? I can't find anything on google saying there will be one but there HAS to be one right?
Any of our NA members picking up their PS4's tonight then?
You gotta wear the shirt bro. Anybody else holding out for a MGSolid bundle on the PS4? I can't find anything on google saying there will be one but there HAS to be one right?
Exactly my plan.
I doubt there'd be a PS4 MGS bundle anytime before the middle of next year. When MGS V is released. Plus I've not started on the legacy collection yet :(. Or played much of Puppeteer, or GTA V, and Castlevania LoS collection should arrive tomorrow. And if I keep my pre-order, Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag will be next week. And the week after that, the console to play it on will arrive.
So many games, and no time :(.
Oh well…
Will be picking up my preorder ps4 when I get back from Disney
i only played a little of it on my friend's 3DS… honestly, i was actually trying to hold out... hoping for Capcom to release MH4 on Vita
but i would say that both are great in their way, underwater hunting is very awesome... pity they took it out in MH4, but the new terrain, climbing and jump attacks does make the game very exciting as well.
i must add that even with 3D, the console does not do the excellent graphics justice... still hoping for a Vita release (a proper one, not that Frontier G)
and of course the usual rants that a fellow hunter will understand: shit camera, rathalos world tour, un-reachable tail in lava... etc
Xbox'ers your turn tonight.
anyone picked up a PS4 yet?
I cancelled my ps4 preorder and put the money towards a Zelda edition 3DS. I'm back on my Nintendo kick. Thanks to Pikmin 3.