Anyone here play video games?
i only played a little of it on my friend's 3DS… honestly, i was actually trying to hold out... hoping for Capcom to release MH4 on Vita
but i would say that both are great in their way, underwater hunting is very awesome... pity they took it out in MH4, but the new terrain, climbing and jump attacks does make the game very exciting as well.
i must add that even with 3D, the console does not do the excellent graphics justice... still hoping for a Vita release (a proper one, not that Frontier G)
and of course the usual rants that a fellow hunter will understand: shit camera, rathalos world tour, un-reachable tail in lava... etc
Xbox'ers your turn tonight.
anyone picked up a PS4 yet?
I cancelled my ps4 preorder and put the money towards a Zelda edition 3DS. I'm back on my Nintendo kick. Thanks to Pikmin 3.
^sadly this is so true, and it applies to buying clothing as well…
Waiting on ps4, no rush. I don't have interest in the release games. Plus I am back logged on PS3 games. Only console game getting any of my time right now is Pikmin 3. It is worth buying a Wii U for this game alone.
My PS4 should be here (hopefully) next week. Mind you Amazon said my copy of ACIV:BF was dispatched yesterday. Hoping it'll arrive tomorrow… Or Monday at the latest. If it doesn't, I might have got my new address wrong :(.
Currently re-downloading ICO/Shadow of the Colossus HD, because according to PSN 30gb isn't enough room to download MGR:R despite the game being 19gb...
And still yet to play more of Puppeteer, MGS: Legacy Collection and Castlevania: Lords of Shadow collection that I got last week. When I can find out which box I've packed my camera in, I'll take a few photos. It's a really nice steel book.
Decided to exchange all my PS3 stuff. Received $400 in store credit. Bought Zelda Wind Waker HD, Super Mario 3D World, & Pokemon X. Bought Jake Pokemon Y & Lego Marvel Superheroes for his 3DS.
@xchen I am over FPS and no longer have the attention span to play anything real detailed ie The Last of Us.
I have always been a Nintendo fanboy and with the releases of Pikmin 3, & Mario 3D (possibly the most fun game I have ever played) no reason to have anything else right now. I will purchase a PS4 when MG5 releases though. Next to Zelda MG is probably my favorite franchise is gaming.