2013 Autumn/Winter Pipeline
How much would an Anonymousism watch cap run? ballpark? That sounds amazing. I've already tried to wear their socks on my head. .)
As an estimate, that sounds very good… No. Wait, I'm saving money, and NOT buying any more stuff until next year
As an estimate, that sounds very good… No. Wait, I'm saving money, and NOT buying any more stuff until next year
I know right.
sounds good. Do we know when these might drop?
Although I do need a scarf… Hmm
Any pics of the Navy G?
Black with black lining looks so nice!!! Def ordering one when they are in Gosport
Hahaa, yep. If I was only that smart.
If we do it, it will be a similar colourway to this but in buffalo check…
Is this still a possibility?
Yes, Haraki is (or should be) getting the material made….
So like a first quarter 2014 kinda thing?
So it goes. I will be buying this without a doubt. It matches my Hendrix tattoo